($11, Tommy Hilfiger, Amazon)
Number 82, people. I guess it's a half step up from those deplorable Tommy flag logo shirts. Actually, more like a quarter step.

($6, Soffe, Amazon)
#83. They're referred to as cheerleading shorts. Uhh... It's hard for me to distinguish which is worse: these shorts, or cheerleading.

($34, Amazon)
What's worse than asymmetrical chiffon ruffles? Cheerleading maybe? Maybe. That's number fucking FORTY-SIX, by the way.

($39, Aimee, Amazon)
This is a nursing gown. A bra-less nursing gown. Now, peeps, I've never nursed, yet I understand the freedom of free-ballin. But still. Having a kid is NO excuse for wearing such an ugly piece of drek. It might as well come with stains down the front, just to save you the time.

($15, Amazon)
Crotchless panties, people. CROTCHLESS. To go with your bra-less gown, I guess? What the FUCK is going on here??? Seriously?
And you gotta love this reviewer's wise words:
I have never, ever before had on a pair of crotchless panties and I have to say that I liked it. Mostly I don't wear panties, unless I'm wearing a dress or a skirt and sometimes even then I don't. I just like the freedom. But these, these are cute as can be and it's like you don't have anything on at all. At least that's's (sic) the way it feels. And they are darn beautiful. Darn beautiful. The discovery of these panties have really made this lingerie party for me.
A lingerie party???? Really? Is that really what you mean? Or do you really just mean a fucking TRASH FEST? Yeah. I think that's what you actually meant. You and the 18 bazillion other renobs who bought enough of these travesties to make them the 68th most popular article of clothing on Amazon.

($17, Amazon)
Congratulations. This is the 100th worst piece of crap EVERYONE bought on Amazon. And $17 isn't much to pay to advertise your simple mindedness!

($12, Rick Steves, Amazon)
I pass through Times Square every day. I believe this one.
By the way. The list also consists of seven DIFFERENT pairs of Crocs, two pairs of men's pleated chinos, and more than one pair of "relaxed fit" jeans. Even the one designer item was this piece of dogshit by Prada:

($99, Prada, Amazon)
I will say there was some cute baby stuff. At least we're dressing future generations better than ourselves.
Please, someone tell me that there's some psychosocial study out there that proves that the incidence of bad style choices skyrocket when a Republican is in office.
Okay. I'm off to go be depressed and to make peace with the fact that if being a fashion snob is wrong, I don't wanna be right. At this point I think my thoughts would best be expressed by two videos by David Bowie and Rufus Wainwright, that best sum up my fear of and disappointment in my own people:
PS: I'm afraid to check Amazon at work for a while, since my "personalized recommendations" now consist of stuff like "string of bubble panties" and the "Speedo 'Grab Bag Jammer'." Great.
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