Thursday, July 1, 2010

Kristen Stewart: She's Eclipsed the New Moon of her Twilight

Ok, so I tried to make a clever pun on all the Twilight movies in one title opening:) Was I successful?? Anyways, I was originally loathe to write a post entirely dedicated to the painfully awkward, and unjustified apple of Robert Pattinson's foggy eyes, actress Kristen Stewart. But who am I to deny my readers a slice of pop culture phenomenon? Especially since Eclipse, the third Twilight Saga installment, premiered yesterday to insanely dedicated fans who've been lining up for two years to see the midnight showing...Thing is, K-Stew, as she is fondly referred to by blogger Perez Hilton, is now embedded in every teenager's vampire memories, and recently she's had new strawberry-colored highlights to brighten up her boyish demeanor (ironically she now looks more like costar Ashley Greene). They are even calling her a redhead! Far from it, K-Stew couldn't produce a warm rosy freckle if she jumped into a pool of lemon juice and sunned herself all day long....What is still beyond my utter comprehension, however, is how two thoughtful hunks of men, Taylor Lautner as Jacob, and Robert Pattinson as Edward, would EVER fight fur and vampire over indifferent and bland Kristen Stewart (aka Bella)?? Please do shed some light!!!! So being someone who is not want to deny myself a teen- swooning experience of pop culture history, I am off to see the Eclipse saga tonight, rose-colored glasses in tow, and bracing myself for a glimpse of Bella's earth-shattering smile...
Photos courtesy of

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