iPopperz monkey earbuds, $19.99. How can you not be happy with these crazy monkeys clinging to your ears?

iFrogz custom Nervepipes, $34.99. You too can create the wackiest headphones imaginable (up to a point), by choosing colors and patterns for each piece. I haven't quite found the outfit for these, yet, but I'm going to make it happen.

Zumreed Dream ZHP-005 Color Headphones, $59.99. CUTE!

Wesc headphones, $55.

These might be my favorite of the bunch: Audio-Technica ATH-ON3 Casual Headphones, $39.99. With their ultrathin headband, these kinda split the difference between the earmuff-size phones and the earbuds. I'd definitely go for the lime green!
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