It's no secret that I love accessories, especially handbags. Toting a super cute bag around town can make you feel like you're on top of the world, knowing that your keys, money, makeup bag, kleenex, assortment of pens, notepads, sunglasses case, and i could go on, are tucked away safely inside a gorgeous leather (or PVC, or cotton canvas) masterpiece. This Spring it's all coming up roses as designers are sprucing up their handbags with splashes of flower prints and petals in all colors and textures, bringing pretty and feminine back in full bloom. (Warning: handbags are more expensive than they appear)

Louis Vuitton Speedy 30,
Valentino Bouquet d'Ete Printed Tote,
Valentino Glamorous Tote,
Judith Leiber Morning Dew Minaudier,
Tory Burch 'Tory' Print Tote,
Susannah Hunter Overnight Bag,
Balenciaga Medium Floral Print Satin Bag, Ok, I know this bag is from last season but I still love the print (and it's still around thanks to overstock).